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Front-end style guide: Difference between revisions

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Optional. The name of the module goes here, inside a h3. Inside of the h3 tag, you can make the title a link, if you want.
The name of the module goes here, inside a h3.
Optional. The name of the module goes here, inside a h3. Inside of the h3 tag, you can make the title a link, if you want.
Line 58 ⟶ 60:
Optional. Want one of those clever links below your module content on the bottom right? Put it in here. If you want a link to also appear on the left, give it the "module-foot-left" class.
If you want a link to also appear on the left, give it the "module-foot-left" class.
Line 66 ⟶ 70:
Optional. This is where the title for the submodule goes, if you want to differentiate it somehow. Styling for this varies from context to context... see /missions/ for an example. Recommended to put the title inside an <h3>.
Styling for this isn't standardized yet... see /missions/ for an example.
Recommended to put the title inside an <h3>.
Also optional.
Also optional; ifIf you don't want to bother with a head/body distinction, you can just put content straight inside the submodule.
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