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=== Planning ===
====Open Source Comes to Campus (OSCTC) is a workshop designed to teach students how to get involved in open source software. We have a [http://campus.openhatch.org/ website] and a [https://github.com/openhatch/open-source-comes-to-campus github repository] for materials.====
Places I'd like to take the tour:
====Want to see what we teach? Take a look at our [[Open_Source_Comes_to_Campus/Curriculum | curriculum]].====
* San Francisco
** Berkeley
*** First day of classes: Thursday, August 23 2012 [http://registrar.berkeley.edu/CalendarDisp.aspx?terms=current]
** Stanford
*** First day of classes: Mon Sep 24 [http://studentaffairs.stanford.edu/registrar/academic-calendar-1213]
*** First day of classes: Friday, August 31, 2012 [http://apps.sfsu.edu/cgi-bin/student/webcalendar.search?calid=2&previous=Y&keyword=Fall%20%2712]
====Want to run your own event? Check out [http://campus.openhatch.org/ the main website] or [http://osctc-planning.github.io/ take a look at our planning process].====
** Talking with them. Possible dates: Sep 10+11
** Contact: JHU ACM officers
** First day of classes: Tue, Sep 4 2012 [https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fweb.jhu.edu%2Fregistrar%2Facademic_dates%2F20122013.pdf&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8]
====The [[Open Source Comes to Campus/Logistics | logistics page]] talks about some of the nitty-gritty, like how to find a space or advice for ordering food.====
* Possibly at Portland State
** Contact: People from Open Source Bridge
** To work with the CAT group there. Contact-points sorted by how excellent they are for contact, most-excellent first: topdog AT cat.pdx.edu ; psuacm AT cecs.pdx.edu ; bart AT cs.pdx.edu
If you spot any problems with any part of OSCTC, or have any suggestions for how to improve it, you can leave an issue in our [https://github.com/openhatch/open-source-comes-to-campus/issues issue tracker] or just tell us via [http://openhatch.readthedocs.org/en/latest/community/contact.html IRC or email].
* Possibly at Cornell
** Contact: rmo, or people he knows or can get me in touch with
[[Category:Open Source Comes to Campus]]
* University of Texas at Austin
** Contact: Kartik, possibly
** Contact: ?
* Harvard
** Contact: HCS people, or Felice
* Caltech
** Contact: Keegan, for example
* washington.edu (Seattle)
** Contact: ?
* brown.edu
** Contact: Historic Brown Free Culture people?
* Rice (in Houston)
** Contact: ?
* NYU (partner with ITP?)
** http://www.cs.nyu.edu/~korth/
** First day of classes: Tuesday, September 4, 2012 [http://www.nyu.edu/registrar/calendars/academic-calendar.html]
* Penn (Philadelphia)
** Contact: Yuvi, perhaps
* UC Davis
** Contact: Phoebe
* UNC Chapel Hill
** Possible contact: http://www.sarahriggs.com/
* McGill
** Biella
* Chicago somewhere
** Uchicago? UIC?
=== Archived ===
* [[U Penn open source 2010]]
* [[/UMD]]
* [[/RPI]]
* [[Harvard Open Source 2010]]
** Never happened
Anonymous user
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