Boston Python workshop 2

Welcome to the second iteration of the Boston Python Workshop: a project-driven introduction to Python for women and their friends!

This workshop is running on the evening of Friday, May 13th, and all day Saturday, May 14th at HubSpot in Cambridge, MA.

Im so glad i found you guys. Its so great you strtaed a chess club here in Greenpoint.Count me in!Please put me on the mailing list.I am there.See you tues. Looking frward .BestMike


  • Friday evening, 6pm-9pm: set up your development environment, learn how to execute Python code from a file and interactively from a Python prompt, and learn about printing and using Python as a calculator.
  • Saturday morning setup, 9:45am-10am: settle in, get your laptop set up, and review Friday's material. We will start the lecture promptly at 10.
  • Saturday morning, 10am-noon: a 2 hour lecture-based introduction to the language.
  • Saturday lunch, noon-1pm: provided by HubSpot!
  • Saturday afternoon, 1pm-4pm: break out into groups to practice Python through short projects on a variety of fun and practical topics.
  • Saturday wrap-up, 4pm-4:30pm: wrap-up, next steps, and upcoming opportunities for practicing Python.

Darren:Amazing log. Wow. Meebo has done a rlealy, rlealy good job there. That will REALLY CHANGE what I do at the workshops. And in conference talks. Steve