Columbus Python Workshop 1/Saturday project instructor outlines

From OpenHatch wiki

The projects live on GitHub:

They are instructor-led, following roughly these outlines:


  1. Review relevant material from lecture (e.g. dictionaries)
  2. Go over SolidColorTest and DictionaryTest in as a class
  3. Have students implement RainbowTest

If people finish (3) early, have them tweak existing effects or write a new one. Example tweaks including:

  • changing the hue bounds in Twinkle
  • change the math in Checkerboards
  • write and customize (e.g. colors) your own message in Message


  1. Review relevant material from lecture (e.g. modules and imports)
  2. Go over search() and trendingTopics() in as a class
  3. Have students implement userTweets()

If people finish (3) early, have them implement trendingTweets() or customize the display of individual tweets displayed by search() (e.g. display the sender).


  1. Review relevant material from lecture (e.g. for loops)
  2. Go over through as a class
  3. Demo
  4. Have students explore other interesting word properties or play with (we've had people start Words With Friends games and cheat using the script)

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