This is a minutes page from one of our OpenHatch meetings.
You can find a list of all our meetings here.
#openhatch Meeting
Meeting started by paulproteus at 20:04:28 UTC. The full logs are available at .
Meeting summary
- Say hi (paulproteus, 20:05:21)
- What we're working on, and what we want help on (paulproteus, 20:12:22)
- LINK: would be easily fixed if we make the wannahelper notification go out once a day, rather than once a week-ish. (paulproteus, 20:25:28)
- ACTION: pythonian4000 will email ktarnowski and see what's up (pythonian4000, 20:55:18)
- ACTION: pythonian4000 will spearhead the OSL migration once it gets going (pythonian4000, 20:55:38)
- ACTION: paulproteus will implement the bug tracker adding UI, starting this weekend, as per the recent Devel email called "UI thoughts..." (paulproteus, 20:56:12)
- ACTION: paulproteus will then try to address issue418, finishing the front page redesign (paulproteus, 20:56:52)
- ACTION: palhmbs will work on the git mission bugs & hopefully finish the bash mission. (palhmbs, 20:57:10)
Meeting ended at 21:31:21 UTC.
Action items
- pythonian4000 will email ktarnowski and see what's up
- pythonian4000 will spearhead the OSL migration once it gets going
- paulproteus will implement the bug tracker adding UI, starting this weekend, as per the recent Devel email called "UI thoughts..."
- paulproteus will then try to address issue418, finishing the front page redesign
- palhmbs will work on the git mission bugs & hopefully finish the bash mission.
Action items, by person
- palhmbs
- palhmbs will work on the git mission bugs & hopefully finish the bash mission.
- paulproteus
- paulproteus will implement the bug tracker adding UI, starting this weekend, as per the recent Devel email called "UI thoughts..."
- paulproteus will then try to address issue418, finishing the front page redesign
- pythonian4000
- pythonian4000 will email ktarnowski and see what's up
- pythonian4000 will spearhead the OSL migration once it gets going
People present (lines said)
- paulproteus (155)
- pythonian4000 (79)
- palhmbs (39)
- aldeka (15)
- jledbetter (15)
- sufjan (11)
- natea (10)
- nedbat (1)
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