PyCon intro to open source/Linux IRC

From OpenHatch wiki

On Linux, we'll be using XChat, a popular graphical IRC chat client.

IRC client setup instructions

  1. Start a command prompt.
  2. At the command prompt:
    • If you are running Ubuntu or Debian (or another dpkg-based system), type:
      sudo apt-get install xchat
      and enter your administrator password when prompted.
    • If you are running Fedora (or another yum-based system), type:
      sudo yum install xchat
      and enter your administrator password when prompted.
  3. Read through the material on Getting started with XChat.

IRC client practice: joining the #pycon-practice channel

During this workshop we'll get practice using IRC and help each other as we contribute to project in the #pycon-practice channel on the Freenode network.

Here are the connection details for joining the Freenode network and the #pycon-practice IRC channel:

IRC server name:
channel name: #pycon-practice

Given that information, and reviewing the XChat overview above, use XChat to connect to Freenode and join the #pycon-practice channel. Pick any nickname you like. :) Once you have joined the channel, say hello!


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