Software Freedom Day 2011 Boston/First meeting

From OpenHatch wiki


  • Karen Rustad
  • Deborah Nicholson
  • Asheesh Laroia


We express our goals for the meeting:

  • Community-based event
    • Bring together user groups (and other front-line free software recruitment machines)
    • both to create new developers and to create expert users

Asheesh asked us to brainstorm events we could have, along with how those events contribute to our goals, and who the target audience would be for the events. We all talked about our ideas; here's what I (Asheesh) wrote down:

Event Goal Audience
Software application tutorials Create more expert users Technology enthusiasts
Competition where people compete on explaining free software ideas Improve the quality of outreach to newcomers to free software Existing free software enthusiasts
Introduction to the social process of free software development Create more free software contributors Programmers, mostly
Introduction to technical tools of free software development Create more free software contributors Programmers, mostly
Jessica talks about the Boston Python Workshop Better community Existing free software enthusiasts
FSF office tools (by Jasmine of FSF) Better understanding of FSF Non-profit people interested in free software/Existing free software enthusiasts
Training on messaging (i.e., explaining) free software (ask Jason Pramus to help?) Better messaging within our community Existing free software enthusiasts
Event fair with tables from e.g. user groups Better community Newcomers to free software; existing enthusiasts; general technology enthusiasts

We had some ideas for venues that might be free or cheap:

  • MIT (through SIPB)
  • Mass Art (through Dana)
  • NEIA (through NEIA Free Culture)

We had some ideas for groups to talk to, to collaborate with:

  • NEIA Free Culture
  • Boston Python meetup
  • Django Meetup
  • Sunlight Foundation meetup
  • Android meetup
  • Other tech meetups?
  • Mass Art VJ people
  • (Princeton Laptop Orchestra?)
  • Boston LISA, LOPSA
  • FSF
  • Sugar Labs
  • Sprout
  • Artisans Asylum
  • Bassam and his Blender crew
  • People we know and like at Red Hat

We want an after-party of some sort. Maybe the Mass Art VJ people would help out with that.