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Community Data Science Workshops (Fall 2014)/Day 3 projects/Matplotlib Session: Difference between revisions

Updates for Fall 2014 session
(Adding a comment to clarify which zip should be downloaded)
(Updates for Fall 2014 session)
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== Visualizing data with Matplotlib and Wiki-bios ==
In this projectsession, we will explore how to produce clear, informative charts, graphs, and plots with [http://matplotlib.org/ Matplotlib], the most popular toolkit for scientific data visualization in Python.
We'll be focusing on a dataset drawn from Wikipedia and [http://dbpedia.org DBpedia], containing the names, birth dates, genders, article creation dates, and number of edits, of over 180,000 Wikipedia biography articles.
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After installing matplotlib, and downloading and unpacking the Wikibios bundle, move into that directory with '''cd'''. You can test your installation by running '''python histograms.py'''. If matplotlib is install correcting, a chart file named '''histograms.pdf''' will appear in the current directory.
Wikibios bundle for all platforms: '''[https://github.com/makoshark/cdsw-wikibios/archive/master.zip latest]''', [http://mako.cc/teaching/2014/cdsw/wikibios.zip Wikibiosold bundle for all platformsmirror]
Original link, does not contain the Matplotlib scripts - [http://mako.cc/teaching/2014/cdsw-autumn/wikibios.zip Mediawiki client test programs]
=== References ===
* [http://matplotlib.org/api/pyplot_summary.html matplotlib API reference]
* [http://matplotlib.org/examples/index.html matplotlib Examples] (many, with source)
* Other plotting resources
** [http://blog.olgabotvinnik.com/prettyplotlib/ prettyplotlib]: hip-aesthetic matplotlib plots
** [http://web.stanford.edu/~mwaskom/software/seaborn/ Seaborn]: fancy matplotlib-based visualizations
** [http://ggplot.yhathq.com/ ggplot]: port of the R language's ggplot2 library to python
** [http://d3js.org/ D3.js]: interactive data visualization for the browser (javascript)
=== Example topics to cover in Lecture ===
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